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Ten Ways to Stay Healthy in a Toxic World--Updated

Updated on October 25, 2010

We Can Stay Healthy

Health is a personal responsibility
Health is a personal responsibility

Thirty-four Years of Healthy Living

In Part I, I presented the background of how Fran and I have been able to remain healthy and well for the past thirty-four years, and it also so happens that we have not had health insurance during that time and still do not. Without a doubt, the primary reason we were able to accomplish this statistically significant feat is that we have used the power of a new mind that we all have that guided us in every detail. Without this access to this protective inner wisdom, we most probably would have never even thought of doing this, much less have been able to accomplish it. Now in our late 60's, we still need no medicine, no not need professional medical care, and just do not get sick. As I mentioned, the last time I was in a hospital was when I still had health insurance over thirty-three years ago.

Picking up where I left off, we consider ourselves professional gamblers, because we do not leave anything to chance, we play the odds and win. For instance, there are those who are skeptical of organic food. To give you an idea of the way we think, organic food, even if not perfectly so, is a far better gamble than the alternative.

Here are some very practical ways to stay healthy that have worked well for us:

1) Reduce/eliminate damaging stress. The most important step for us was learning how to reduce and even eliminate damaging stress that causes most illness and kills millions every year. I developed a way that makes it quite simple, a free, science-based technique which, if used as direct, has the power to eliminate damaging stress and enhance your life in many wonderful ways.There are other little-known, powerful mind abilities we use to protect ourselves that I'll be discussing in other articles.

2) Feed your body well. Fran and I live by what we call the 90/10 rule, i.e. striving to make 90% of what we eat the very best possible, which means as much organics as we can find. The other 10% we are less careful about. Recently, we've been investigating to find out if there is BPA (Google it!) in any of the canned food we occasionally eat. Much to our chagrin, we found that there was in the soda can of a well-known "health-conscious" company. We stopped using it, brought it back where we got it, and let the store and company know that we would not be using it until the BPA was removed. Fran and I love our pizza and ice cream and enjoy going out to eat once in a while; but, very rarely do we eat fast foods. We are not purists but know how to balance what we eat. We like the advice, “Moderation in all things, especially in moderation.”

3) Clean out your body. Even eating as well as we do, we know that our bodies absorb some dangerous chemicals since there are about about 150,000 hidden everywhere in our environment. So we do an easy detoxifying fast and colon cleanse twice a year. The only supplement that I take, from this same source, is called Superfood. Fran also takes calcium and vitamin E.

4) Move your body. I exercise regularly, which includes aerobics, weight training, and some yoga and gigong postures. Fran does none. This illustrates how you use any of these suggestions is a personal decision that your innate intelligence will help you to make if you learn how to access it. Applying strategy #1 will help you to do just that.

5) Choose wisely where you live. We live in a relatively clean environment with relatively clean air. There is no place on earth without some pollution, but all of us, no excuses please, have the choice to live in a place that improves the odds.

6) Treat your body as the fine-tuned instrument it is. Of course, we don't smoke, drink hard liquor, nor take drugs of any kind. We do like a glass of wine with our meal a couple of times a week. If you take medications, when you don't need them anymore, we suggest you discontinue them with the guidance of a doctor.

7) Consider a pet. We have usually had pets. We now have a wonderful dog named Sadie that gives me aerobic exercise and brings joy to our lives. Joy, as you may or may not know, is one of the most powerful immune boosters there is. By the way, she eats as well as we do.

8) Stay close to family. We stay as close to family members, both natural and cultivated, as we can. Right now we are caring for our latest grandchild, three-month-old Alex, three days a week, and he, too, brings us much joy. Of course, we make sure his food and toys are as chemical-free as we can find.

9) Make changes gradually. Getting well and staying well really is a life change that needs to be maintained for the duration. You would be amazed how much benefit can be obtained with relatively small changes that become a permanent part of our life.

10) Clean house. Sweep it clean of all known household chemicals. There are many good safe products available today. Some cost more, some do not. But, a few cents more is well worth the benefits of keeping the deadly chems out of our bodies. They all add up, and, over time, the synergistic effects are devastating, especially in the vulnerable bodies of children. There is no way out of this, except to keep them out of our personal spaces. That goes for our cars, too. Those air fresheners are insidiously dangerous, especially in the heat.

11) Get some health insurance if you can afford it, until you don't need it any longer, but keep in mind that having it can create a subtle and dangerous complacency. Fran and I are professionals who have spent half our lives perfecting our strategies for staying healthy, and there are many more nuances and fine points that may eventually fill a book. We are in touch with the inner wisdom of our new mind all the time. We strongly encourage others to learn to live a healthy life. It's so much more fun than being sick, no matter how good your insurance might be; and, how many more joyful days you will add to your life.


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